Romeo y Julieta 1875: A Birthday Cigar

want to impress your friends smoke the coolest loo
want to impress your friends smoke the coolest loo

This past week, I turned twenty seven. To commemorate the day I came screaming into this world, I went out with two lifelong friends for some steaks. Beforehand, we had some light drinks, nothing too heavy considering one of us had to drive to the restaurant. Ended up scrounging for a mixer for some gin, and found it with pellegrino lemonade. Overall not bad, the gin and fruit flavors coalesced nicely. After that we went to a steakhouse, where I enjoyed a medium rare prime rib bigger than my head. We headed back to my friends house with plans to watch a movie, but first they wanted to give me my gifts. That gifted turned out to be a Romeo Y Julieta 1875 Bully Natural for each of us, an ashtray, and a brand new leather bound cigar cutter. The movie could wait, it was time to smoke.

Sitting in the crisp night air, a full moon illuminating us, we lit up. There’s something about tobacco that facilitates conversation. We started talking about our lives, where we were headed and how we got to where we are now. It was a moment of tender honesty, one that seemed revelatory even for three people who’d known each other their whole lives. And I have Romeo Y Julieta to thank for that. By the time we finished talking it was close to dawn. It’s a birthday I’ll never forget.

What do you smoke on your birthday? Let us know!

Looking where to buy cigars? Mike’s delivers near and far!

Smooth Classic Cigar Combo


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