Great Cigar parings: Maker’s Mark and Oliva Serie V

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 It’s Friday night, you finally have some time to yourself. But going out has become an impossibility in this post covid world. Thankfully, you can stay in and enjoy some exceptional liquor and fine tobacco. But which kind? The options are nearly endless. We’re here to help.

If you have a light meal, then you should absolutely reach for an Oliva Serie V no 4 and glass with three fingers of Maker’s Mark Whiskey. You’ll always recognize Maker’s mark by its iconic dripping wax label, and it’s sweet honeyed taste. But before taking a sip of Kentucky’s finest, light up your Oliva Serie V no. 4. The number 4 is a full bodied cigar, so be prepared to immediately feel the kick of its toasted tobacco. The first thing you’ll notice is the soft floral notes, followed by hardy tang of pepper in it’s first third. It caresses your palate, giving just the right balance so as not to overwhelm the senses.

After the first few draws, then it’s time to taste the magic of Maker’s. Best taken neat, especially when in conjunction with the Serie V, as you don’t want any of the sweet flavors watered down. These two go best together when you celebrate how strong their profiles are. On your first sip you’ll notice soft caramel aroma, and taste butterscotch and vanilla bean mixed with the barley malt. All of it is wrapped in a delightful oak finish, which will prepare your palate for the spices in the second third of the Oliva. Once you get farther along on the cigar, the pepper tastes get mixed with a creamy chocolate flavoring. The chocolate flavoring goes wonderfully with the fruity notes from the Maker’s, allowing the whole experience to get better as you go along.

The bite of pepper from the Oliva’s final third will compliment that last sip full of sweet molasses, and you’ll be ready for another round of whiskey and cigars!

What’s your favorite cigar pairing? Let us know in the comments!

Looking where to buy cigars? Mike’s delivers near and far!

Smooth Classic Cigar Combo


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