I think my humidors have Seasonal Affective Disorder!

Humidor Gauge1
Humidor Gauge1

Here in the great north of West Bend we’re beginning to feel the first bites of Falls nip in the air. Smoking my San Luis Rey outside last night made me wish I had put on a sweatshirt before heading out.  The beginning of the end as all northerners will understand.

It’s also one of the two times each year that my humidors decide to go slightly schizophrenic and self-adjust to varied humidity levels.  Of my fourteen humidors, the only two that seem to be unaffected by this Seasonal Affective change are my two large cabinets.  Even my larger (200 and 300 count) boxes fluctuate for several weeks around these times of year.  It’s worth mentioning that my humidors “live” in my basement where the temperature is between 65-70 degrees Fahrenheit year-round.

Now, I don’t mind hand adjusting the humidity in each of my humidors; to me, it’s part of the hobby and the fun of collecting.  But, here’s my question…

Do your humidors suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder in spring and fall?  What do you do to adjust for this?  Do you move your collection to a different location?  Change humidifiers?

Remember, the answer you share today could help a fellow smoker tomorrow!

Marty K.

Smooth Classic Cigar Combo


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