Lights up on a younger version of yourself. You’re fresh out of school, the emotions are high and you go out drinking with the boys. And oh boy do you boys drink! Now, not being the expert you are these days, you decided you wanted to cap the night off with a smoke from your favorite cigar that you’ve been saving for this very moment.

Suddenly you find yourself leaning over the toilet in the bathroom at your favorite bar. And so, following the cause and effect theorem that this universe so heavily depends on, you ended up hunched over the toilet, regretting every single life choice up until this moment, and asking the big questions in life: “Was it worth it?”, “Are these the final moments?”, and “Did I remember to put the lid back on the mayo before I closed the refrigerator door?”…
Sound familiar?
If you answered yes, then I hear you and I see you, and I say, “you live and you learn”.
If you answered no..well, either you’ve been repressing your memories again, or, when can we call you in for an interview cause you’ve got the chemical makeup of a warrior!
All instances of early adulthood trauma aside, there are some, not so great results from smoking and/or drinking while on an empty stomach. It’s just always a better idea to have some sustenance in your system before sitting and smoking.
Well what’s the solution? It’s simple: eat before you smoke. If you don’t have time to cook a four-course dinner, then order one from your nearby takeout favorite! Never has there been a better time for takeout and delivery! A cigar is much more enjoyable when you can smoke if from start to finish without feeling nauseous. Here are a handful of after-dinner cigars to smoke based on what you may have had to eat.
So, this begs the million dollar question (probably not THAT dramatic but we think big over here at Mike’s Cigars): To smoke…or not to smoke…before or after a meal? (That’s what we in the biz call a “Title Drop”, patent pending)
To be honest, it’s up to you really. Along with some of the, not so great feelings accompanying smoking on an empty stomach, there are also a lot of benefits: 1) You LOOK really cool 2) You SMELL really unique (but that’s a benefit any time you smoke 3) You SEEM mature and 4) You get to stay home sick from work!
I support your decision and you know what, I’ll light one up with ya, in solidarity!
Buuuuuuut, just in case you stand on the side of people who care about their physical health, rather than their popularity count, here are a selection of after-meal cigars that will keep you satisfied and satiated:
After-Meal Cigars

Once you’ve filled up on your favorite cut of your favorite juicy piece of meat, a nice full-bodied cigar, you will be able to handle! Only the most luscious, complex, and savory cigars are befitting choices to complete such a meal. Camacho Corojo, Ashton VSG, and Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua are full-bodied and full of versatile, woody, and creamy flavor.
After-Dessert Cigars

If your sweet tooth kicks in after an epic dinner, finish the night off in the company of a Bahama Mama or M Coffee by Macanudo. Notes of cocoa, honey, and black pepper mingle effortlessly. Pair either with a glass of wine, rum, or an aged cognac for a nightcap.
So, it’s not exactly like Hamlet, but you get the idea 😉