We’re proud to announce the arrival of the cigar event of the year, the Oliva Serie V Melanio Edicion Limitada 2021. For the past few years, Oliva has treated smokers to a limited release of a new Serie V Melanio. Each one with a unique size and selling point, its newest release is maybe its best one yet.
This bold new addition to the line of cigars once awarded Cigar of the Year by Cigar Aficionado proves the same Full-bodied, critically acclaimed tastes that smokers know and love, but with the twist of a rounded shape rather than its predecessor’s box-pressed shape. In addition to its new shape, the Edicion Limitada 2021 gets straight to the flavor with a NuB inspired size of four inches and a sixty ring gauge.
Only three thousand boxes worldwide are being produced, with ten cigars per box, so pre-order now before they’re all gone!
Looking where to buy cigars? Mike’s delivers near and far!