CAO Pilon

large cao pilon torpedo open box prod shot
large cao pilon torpedo open box prod shot

Instagram CAO Pilon Robusto

A photo posted by Mikes Cigars (@mikescigars) on

New CAO Pilon is here! This cigar has a rich color and an incredible depth of flavors with notes of wood, spice, and a touch of sweetness.

A pilon is a stack of tobacco leaves meticulously configured in small arrangements. In the 19th century Cuba, this was the method of natural fermentation boosting the aroma and color of the leaves to transfer a taste and appearance that is unreachable in any other methods.

The CAO blending team agreed to apply this time-honored method exclusively to the silky Cuban seed Ecuadorean wrapper of CAO Pilon.

To see more information and/or buy it, click here.

Smooth Classic Cigar Combo


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