The Davidoff Escurio is now available at Mike’s Cigars in Gran Toro ( 5 1/2 x 58), Petit Robusto (3 1/4 x 50), and Robusto Tubos (6 x 50).
Zino Davidoff’s innovative spirit inspired the making of the Davidoff Escurio. The company wanted to create a cigar that exudes modernity and uniqueness of distinction to cigar enthusiasts. Davidoff chose a Brazilian cigar line that brings intense and stimulating smoking experience, while adding a touch of sophistication.
Brazil produces rich and dark tobacco called Mata Fina. Its sun-grown tobacco is used to make wrappers and high-quality long fillers.
The Davidoff Escurio consists of a dark Ecuador Habano wrapper, Brazilian cubra binder, Brazilian mata fina, Dominican San Vicente, piloto, and olor secos long-fillers.
Expect a well-constructed, slow-burning, medium bodied cigar with plenty of complexity. Your palate will dance a lively Samba and leave you with smoky notes of leather, cream, cinnamon, and nutmeg.
“Rio’s intriguing and rhythmic nights were hugely inspiring for our master blenders in helping craft a superb multi-origin blend with the finest Brazilian tobaccos at its core,” said Charles Awad, Senior Vice President of Global Marketing & Innovation, Oettinger Davidoff AG, in a recent press release.
Davidoff has also announced an accessory collection to go along with the Escurio.
To buy Davidoff Escurio, click here.