Foundry a cigar created by Michael Giannini of Team La Gloria Cubana is a cigar that is innovative, unique and creative. The Foundry Cigar blend includes five different tobaccos from four countries. The Foundry cigar features an eight to ten year old Connecticut wrapper from a very small farm that was saved for a special project. A blend that will take you on a journey into the unknown of taste and flavor that you have never experienced before. Every cigar has a steampunk inspired metal gear just below the ring band that is to be held onto for some type of promotion in the works for 2013 with General Cigar. More details to follow. The Foundry Cigar is available in the following sizes: Foundry Wells Cigar, Foundry Talbot Cigar, Foundry Lovelace Cigar, and the Foundry Cayley Cigar. Foundry 5 packs and boxes available in all sizes
Foundry cigars are not available on line. The brand is restricted and you have to call on the phone to get information.