Connecticut Farm Tour 2015. Part Four: The Field

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altadis usa connecticut farm trip tobacco74 1

This is the last stop in the Connecticut Farm Tour. We head to the tobacco field where the wrapper that is used in the Montecristo White Vintage Connecticut is grown. Let’s take a closer look.


This device is called the “Chopper” which is used for chopping the tobacco leaves. All it takes is one careful, forceful swing to cut the tobacco leaf and remove it from its roots.

altadis-usa-connecticut-farm-trip-tobacco59Here’s a field worker chopping down the tobacco leaves. To the right of the worker, you can see tobacco leaves already chopped in the ground. They trim tobacco leaves by sections. Other workers pick up the tobacco leaves and place them in a cart that would transport the leaves to the curing barn. If the leaves are left in the ground for a long period of time, they can be damaged by too much sun exposure and heat.

altadis-usa-connecticut-farm-trip-tobacco56altadis-usa-connecticut-farm-trip-tobacco55Joey explains how to prevent mishaps in tobacco harvesting.

altadis-usa-connecticut-farm-trip76-tobaccoYami helps out with stringing the leaves so they can be transported to the barn. She was smoking an Onyx cigar which many people enjoyed in the trip.

altadis-usa-connecticut-farm-trip-tobacco57altadis-usa-connecticut-farm-trip-tobacco52After the visit to the tobacco fields, it was about 12:30pm and we were starting to get hungry. Altadis USA treated everyone to a delicious lunch spread topped with cigars.


altadis-usa-connecticut-farm-trip-tobacco51Everyone were given a nice spread of cigars to choose from.

altadis-usa-connecticut-farm-trip-tobacco50After the delicious meal with cigars, everyone said their goodbyes to each other. In conclusion, the trip was phenomenal. We got to learn from the top master blenders from Altadis USA and meet many amazing people from different cigar companies. We saw how they grow and harvest leaves for the Montecristo White Vintage Connecticut and can understand why it is a prized commodity. Big thanks to Altadis USA for bringing Mike’s Cigars to share this incredible experience.

Smooth Classic Cigar Combo


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