Connecticut Farm Tour 2015. Part Three: The Barn

altadis usa connecticut farm trip tobacco61 1
altadis usa connecticut farm trip tobacco61 1

The second barn we visited, the crew brought in freshly cut tobacco leaves from the field. Let’s take a look inside to see how they prepare the leaves for curing.


This is a look inside the barn. As you can see the tobacco leaves are hung in two tiers insides the barn. It faces the direction of the prevailing winds for best ventilation.



A group of workers stand on a sturdy plank to place the tobacco leaves on racks mounted from the ceiling. The process is done by skilled workers who have many years of experience in the tobacco industry.


The crew handed us a plank of leaves so we can see for ourselves the weight of each.


Next, we will travel to the tobacco fields where the Connecticut tobacco leaves are grown and harvested.

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